Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum)
-Description of plant:Rhubarb is a vegetable plant, although it is often grown as ornamentals. It is used in the preparation of culinary delights and the pharmaceutical industry. It is known since ancient times, originating in Asia. Rhubarb is very popular in England and Germanic countries even today. There are several kinds of rhubarb, red being the most appreciated. Can reach a height of 1.5 to over 2 meters even has a fleshy root and stem pink to red, large leaves.
He loves moisture and sun, it is advisable to grow at a distance of 80-110 cm apart. Since the appearance of flowers affects the development of strain, it is advisable to cut flowers and plants will develop as well.
-What use of rhubarb?
Very important to know, we never use the leaves as they are toxic. Since we use rhubarb stalks from leaves and roots.
Especially rhubarb is grown for its leaf tail before use, it will be removed coating. We use only healthy stalks, those that are wilted should be discarded.

It is a plant with many therapeutic qualities, has a high content of acids, vitamins and minerals. Also a rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. All these elements have given many uses in the treatment of diseases.
Has the following effects on the body: it is a good diuretic, laxative, tonic, antihemoragic, inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial.
It is recommended for stomach diseases, detoxify the body, constipation, fever, stimulates appetite in biliary.
It is recommended to menopausal women and is also recognized as having the effect on the liver detoxified. Helps lower cholesterol and stimulates kidney function.
Rhubarb is low in calories, only 16 Kcal/100 g petiole, but is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamins, majoring in vitamin C.
Of stems of rhubarb is made compotes, jam, juice, jelly, jellies, sorbets, marmalades.
It also is used to prepare cakes, tarts of, the ice cream, but also to prepare appetizers, fresh or as a garnish as sauces, chutney, to prepare dishes based on vegetables and meat. Sour taste of rhubarb makes it suitable for soups acrirea. It is very soft, so it is preferred to the deserts of hot summer days.
It is also an ornamental plant, especially leafy red or yellow varieties. It is harvested in May and June.
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