Rhubarb as medicine

Liver disease:
  The past was called "liver life." Rhubarb can be eaten by the sick liver in the form of infusions prepared from 20 g of dried and crushed root in 1 liter of water. Drink one cup before the two main meals.
Anemia, convalescence:
  Drink daily 15 to 30 g rhubarb wine, obtained leave to soak for 48 hours in a liter of red wine, crushed rhubarb root 80 g, 15 g and 10 g gentian root angelica root. Filter through a cloth before use.
  For a slightly purgative, pounded dried rhubarb root. Yellow powder obtained from 2 g to take a teaspoon of honey. This laxative does not cause colic or tired nor stomach or intestines. It is contraindicated for people suffering from hemorrhoids or dyspepsia.
Stomach cramps:
  Drink 3 times a day in a little water, 15 drops of tincture of rhubarb. Tincture is obtained as: allow to soak for 8 days in 3 / 4 liter of 45 degrees alcohol, 50 g and 150 g rhubarb root of gentian.

  Medicinal preparations based on rhubarb are root powder, extract, tincture, tea
  Tea is obtained from a teaspoon to a cup of herbal powder with water, left for ten minutes and then filtered. For a well functioning digestive system is consumed two cups of this tea every night before bed. Due to the diuretic effect, the use of tea for kidney stones, diabetic nephropathy and renal failure.
  Decoction is obtained from 0.5 grams of the dried herb and is used to treat diarrhea. When using three grams of dry plant, obtain an effective remedy in chronic constipation and abdominal cramps specific PMS.
  It is also used for external use in the treatment of burns and skin diseases, due to the effect astringent and antibacterial.
  Avoid using rhubarb during pregnancy, being a strong purgative. Because oxalate content is used in the treatment of gout and arthritis homeopathic. Do not use the leaves in the diet, but their rods, because oxalate is a strong poison. It is also used in patients with chronic digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease, gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  Please note that only the stalks are edible and only if they are healthy! Rhubarb leaves are toxic, they contain oxalic acid in the body of harmful concentrations. So stalks wilted or affected by frost.

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